Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day 2007

Merry CHristmas all.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This is a picture of my grandpa and I about 3 years ago. My grandpa died last Monday, October 22 at 1am. I was supposed to spend the day with him in Toledo just holding his hand. he went to sleep Saturday and never woke up. I spent last week with my brother Ken working out the final details of the funeral. I feel like a generation is forever lost in our family. I love my grandpa. He was so much fun. I remember he used to show me all of his pennies whenever we came to his house on holidays. He and grandma made lots of crafts together. I have a green chair that he made. I also have a yellow plant hanger grandma made as well as many other little items. They will always be treasured. My grandparents were married for 64 years before grandma died December 3, 2000. I guess grandpa is walking around in Heaven holding grandmas hand right now. I wonder if he is talking with my dad--or maybe his daughter, Beverly, which he has not seen for 43 years.
I sang at grandpa's funeral. In the Garden and Blessed Assurance. I hope he liked it. He would stand next to me in church and put his ear close to my mouth when I sang next to him. He said he loved to hear me sing.
I miss him.
I love you grandpa!--Your Casey Girl

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A lot has happened in the last month. Jacob has finally learned how to ride a bike. It took him about 15 minutes after his dad and I convinced him it was OK to ride. He has always been so worried about getting hurt. He was too scared to ride. He is so proud of himself. Him and Marcus ride together to the park now. It has given him a little more self confidence and independence. I am so glad Jacob has a friend. They have been friends for 2 years now. They may argue a little and they are completely different in size and personalities, but they enjoy being together. They like to spend the night here. They play their Gameboys, video games, cars, baseball, kickball, and watch movies. The other day they carried on our tradition of a potato chip party on Friday nights. Jacob and I started having these little parties when I was working evenings at Flat Rock Care Center in 2005. I would come home late on Friday night and we would sit on my bed and spread different kind of potao chip on the bed and we would eat and watch movies. We had so much fun. So now Marcus has joined the circle of potato chip partiers.

I have a few scrapbook pages to post. These are some of my favorites.

This is a picture of Jacob and his dog He named him "Dog". He tried to get away from "Dog" by hiding in the ice chest. Dog climbed in with him.

Jacob wanted to take "Dog" for a walk. Dog was not helping. He tried to put the leash around Dog's neck. Finally Dog bit the collar and Jacob draged Dog around while he was biting the color.

Well, we know where the tissues went.

Jacob's first try at baseball. It was in the Spring of 2003. He had a lot of fun, even though he got frustrated and quit after about 20 minutes. He still likes baseball now. Cleveland Indians is his favorite team.

Jacob was very happy when he turned 8 years old. He got a Bible at church from Pastor Andy Winters. He also had a birthday party at the race track in Bellevue.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Well, I hope this picture came up. This is our new house. We moved August 29, 2007. I hope to buy this house in the next year. I am so excited because we can paint our rooms however we wish. I love that Jacob has a room and I have a room of our own. We have lived in a one bedroom house for 2 years. I feel like I have accomplished something. God is good though. We could not have done this with out Him.
Hey, I did it, My blogger life has started.